Hello and welcome to the World at War: Operation Crusader Demo! World at War (W@W) is the new series from Atomic Games and Avalon Hill that depicts the classic battles of World War II. Based on the award-winning V for Victory series, W@W sports improved game mechanics, enhanced user interface, a dramatically improved artificial opponent, and Play-By-EMail support. In addition, the game comes with a striking fold out map of the playing area, a Quick Start walk-through, and a full color, 72 page manual.
This demo is completely playable from start to finish. We have removed the music and sound effects, as well as a number of the pictures in order to make the demo a reasonable size for downloading. The only other features that have been disabled are save/restore, play-by-email, and the ability to select a different scenario.
PLEASE NOTE that World at War: Operation Crusader (Mac) requires a color Mac system with at least 5mb of RAM.
Operation Crusader, the first in the W@W series, focuses on the North African port city of Tobruk, late in 1941. As General Rommel was preparing for a renewed offensive against the British in Egypt, Winston Churchill was convincing his newly-appointed commander of the Middle East, General Sir Claude Auchinleck, to start his own offensive into Axis-held Libya. The goal was to relieve the surrounded British garrison at Tobruk, and the inducement Churchill offered was 500 new British and American tanks. The clock was ticking as each side refitted, repaired, and planned for the coming engagement. On November 18th, 1941, General Auchinleck launched Operation Crusader, a campaign that was to last until January 17, 1942, with a price tag of nearly 600 tanks and 48,000 lives.
This demo features the scenario entitled, "To the Rescue", a mid-level scenario which represents the initial battles to relieve Tobruk. This scenario includes the British 7th Armored Division, the 22nd Guards Brigade, and other support forces trying to break through to the city of Tobruk, while the Italian Bologna and Ariete Divisions reinforced by the German 15th Panzer Division defend the outer ring of the Tobruk perimeter.
We hope you enjoy the demo. We also hope it entices you to buy the complete game! If so, then please contact Avalon Hill by any of the following methods:
Telephone (US and Canada) 1-800-999-3222
Fax 1-410-254-0991
CompuServe 72662,1207
America On-Line AH GAMES
If you'd like to reach Atomic Games (not for tech support or ordering please):
CompuServe 72662,1333
America On-Line AtomicGame
AppleLink Atomic.Games
Internet listserv@atomic.neosoft.com
(send the word HELP as the only word in the message)
Again, thank you for trying the World at War: Operation Crusader demo!